Busy in Bryncoch

Plaid Cymru County Borough Councillor for Bryncoch North Wyndham Griffiths and Plaid Cymru County Borough Councillors for Bryncoch South Joanna Hale and Chris Williams, along with Community Councillors Julie Griffiths and Emma Edwards arranged a fund raising event to pay for the lighting up of the Christmas trees in both Wards. This was the second event since June of this year and were both very successful.


From their community fund, the three Bryncoch Plaid Cymru Councillors have also donated £15,000 to help fund an improvement project at Bryncoch Rugby Club. The funds have helped the club to make major improvements to the changing room showers and to provide disabled access to the new disabled toilets.

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  • Francis Whitefoot
    published this page in Councillor News 2020-11-23 11:35:42 +0000

This starts with you

They have the money but we have the people. If everyone who visits this website joins our movement, there's nothing we can't accomplish together.