Plaid Cymru “extend solidarity” with striking DVLA workers

Responding to the four-day strike by DVLA workers, Plaid Cymru’s South Wales West regional candidates Sioned Williams and Luke Fletcher said,


“We extend our solidarity with the striking DVLA workers in Swansea who are striking for safe working conditions.


"No employee should have to go on strike to guarantee their safety at work and it is the duty of the employer – in this case ultimately the Westminster Government – to provide a safe workspace for employees.


“The DVLA workers have our full support.”


Sioned Williams, who is also Plaid Cymru's Senedd Candidate for Neath, added: 


" I fully support the staff unfortunately forced into taking this action - I have spoken to many residents who live in the Neath area who felt scared going into work at the DVLA and angry that insufficient action was taken to keep staff safe."

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  • Francis Whitefoot
    published this page in News 2021-04-06 18:39:44 +0100

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